Not the Lockdown Mixes – 2000
2 months ago
'I rant that I may understand' (after a statement by St Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1093-1109: 'Credo ut intelligam', or, 'I believe that I may understand.') This Blog is for the querulous and garrulous. The subject is religion, especially the Christian religion, more especially the Catholic Christian religion and most especially the Anglican Catholic Christian religion. Please save your eulogies for funerals.
Britain's "dog eat dog" society, which is a poor copy of the United States, was blamed for the conclusion that this country is the worst developed nation in the world to grow up in (sic).Fans of Will Hutton will realise he's been saying just this sort of thing for a long time. He said it recently to the Pope.
I believe in Jesus so we have a personal relationship; everything else is just man-made religion.It's why I gringe every time I read the notices of vacancies for turbo-Evangelical parishes in the CofE.
Like all so-called dogmas, the Conciliar Decrees defining the Trinity are merely doctrines of men. Men. I mean that literally. Males. Alone. Male Bishops alone debated and defined the Trinity at the so-called First and Second General Councils (325 and 381, respectively) . Rather suspect don't you think? After all, 'General councils may err' (Article XXI). Well they must have done if only men were allowed a voice and vote!But still, it doesn't really matter. According to Christomonism, Anglicans must only believe that Christ (or Christa) is our personal Saviour (or Sophia). Depending on your brand of Evangelicalism (i.e., permutations of Bible Christianity), He (or She) may also be your Lord (or Lady, an uncontested title since Evangelicals will not grant it to the Blessed Virgin Mary, 'Mother of Jesus' [sic])
In the name of Gaia: Source, Sophia and Wellspring [sic, sic et sic]in keeping with our Anglican socially constructed form of modality (i.e., Auteparchism).